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5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are They?

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

Unlike the Death Note series, most One Piece characters are not intelligent characters. 

In the world of One Piece, strength is paramount, while intelligence is secondary. 

Therefore, intelligent people can be defeated by strong people in the world of One Piece.

Although One Piece rarely displays smart characters, that doesn't mean that One Piece doesn't have smart characters at all, you know. 

This time the author has summarized the five smartest female characters in the One Piece series.

Curious who the characters are? Immediately see the following reviews, come on!

1. Nico Robin

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

Nico Robin is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and the most intelligent character in the series. 

Because of his intelligence, Robin even became the most wanted person by the World Government. 

Currently, Robin is the only person in the world who can read the Poneglyphs.

Since the Poneglyphs can reveal the true history of the world, the World Government considers that Robin's existence cannot be tolerated. 

Therefore, the World Government is always trying desperately to catch Robin.

2. Nami

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

In the world of One Piece, few people can survive alone, and Nami is one of them. 

Nami is considered a genius because she can survive by being a thief.

In addition, Nami is also one of the best navigators in the One Piece series.

Other navigators who know Nami know that she has extensive knowledge in the field of navigation. 

From weather patterns to ship anatomy, it feels like there's nothing that Nami doesn't know.

3. Perona

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

You could say, Perona is the smartest antagonist that appears in the Thriller Bark arc. 

Acting as one of the main antagonists in the Thriller Bark arc, previously Perona was the commander of Wild Zombie and Surprise Zombie.

Perona is proven to be intelligent because she has a lot of culinary knowledge which is proven when she cooks for Mihawk, medical knowledge is proven when she treats Zoro, and navigation knowledge is proven when she brings Zoro to the Sabaody Archipelago.

4. Shyarly

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

Shyarly is a mermaid who lives on Fish-Man Island. 

Shyarly is not only intelligent, however, he also has the ability to see the future. 

Using his crystal ball, Shyarly can predict the future with great accuracy.

So far, Shyarly had predicted many major events such as the start of the Great Pirate era, the outcome of the Peak War at Marineford, to Whitebeard's death. 

The only prediction that is still in doubt is his prediction that Luffy will destroy Fish-Man Island.

5. Big Mom

5 Smartest Female Characters in the One Piece Series, Who are they?

Considering that Big Mom only thinks about food, some fans might think that Big Mom is not a very intelligent character. 

Despite that, Big Mom is actually smarter than she seems.

Big Mom has a very wide information network so she always knows what is happening in the world. 

Not only that, Big Mom is also one of the few people who know about the true history of the world.

The five female characters above are proof that One Piece also has a figure who doesn't just rely on strength.

In your opinion, who else is the female character in One Piece who is no less intelligent than the five characters above?

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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