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The Mystery of One Piece: Luffy's Devil Fruit Eater Was a Fish-Man, Jinbei Knows Nika's History!

The Mystery of One Piece: Luffy's Devil Fruit Eater Was a Fish-Man, Jinbei Knows Nika's History!

After the last chapter, One Piece 1045 is getting more and more awaited by readers.

In One Piece 1045's prediction, Luffy and Kaido's fight will be shown again.

Now Luffy has activated Gear 5 and confirmed the real name of his devil fruit in the previous chapter.

In One Piece 1045, Luffy and Kaido's feud is getting more and more interesting with the alliances being stunned to see the fight.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats' devil fruit turns out to be the Hito Hito no Mi, a mythical zoan - Nika's model - which has been mentioned several times.

One of them by Who's Who in chapter 1018 who heard the name from a guard in prison.

Who's Who said that Nika, who is also called the Sun God, was a liberation fighter by freeing slaves.

In addition, he is also a person who brings smiles and frees slaves from suffering.

It is known that the figure is closely related to the origin of the Taiyo Pirates.

Was the devil fruit user at the time, possibly Joy Boy, a fish-man too?

The Mystery of One Piece: Luffy's Devil Fruit Eater Was a Fish-Man, Jinbei Knows Nika's History!

On the other hand, after his resurrection, Luffy seemed to be getting more and more ridiculous with various cartoon effects given by Oda Sensei.

Not only to Luffy, this effect also propagates to Kaido who incidentally is the strongest person in the world. This possibility happened because of Nika's power.

Furthermore, Who's Who said the guard who provided the information disappeared a few days later.

However, CP0 who was in Wano said that the secret information known to the Who's Who should have gone stale.

This indicates that they actually do not know any information about Nika or the devil fruit.

Because Luffy has experienced a resurrection, the information stored by Who's Who is now outdated because it is no longer possible to hide it.

During this time, the Sun God Nika is often associated with Joy Boy, and Luffy is expected to be a tough opponent for the World Government.

Who's Who information becomes stale or outdated as the World Government fails to contain Luffy's rise as Nika.

Meanwhile, in the real world the word Nika means victory or defeat in Greek.

There was a Nika riot that was recorded in history in Constantinople when the local people opposed the emperor.

The Mystery of One Piece: Luffy's Devil Fruit Eater Was a Fish-Man, Jinbei Knows Nika's History!

This riot or Nika Rebellion lasted for one week in 532 and became the largest in the history of Constantinople.

Nearly 50 percent of the city was burned or damaged, and tens of thousands of people died during the unrest.

If this riot becomes a reference for Oda Sensei, then it is likely that later readers will see a major war that took place with the World Government and may last for about a week.

After Luffy's victory against the World Government, people will shout Nika as happened in the Byzantine Empire over 1000 years ago.

It can be said that the fact seems to be related to the story of the World Government covering the history of centuries ago.

Furthermore, regarding Jinbei hearing the words of the Who's Who during his battle with him, he seemed to know something.

Although Jinbei stated that he did not want to discuss anything about the facts revealed by Who's Who, there was a clear change and Jinbei's anger in the chapter.

It could be assumed that Jinbei actually knew more about Nika, and had a special feeling about it.

However, this is still a speculation, and for the facts that Oda Sensei will reveal, look forward to One Piece 1045 or the next chapters.

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