One Piece 1050 Spoiler: Not Luffy, These 2 Figures Are Believed To Be Wano's New Shogun!
In the last few stories before One Piece 1050, fans were shown Kaido who was overwhelmed against Luffy.
This happened because Luffy just got a very powerful new power from awakening his Hito-Hito no Mi Model Nika devil fruit.
This even made Kaido surprised because Luffy turned into a terrible figure.
Kaido was defeated with the power of Luffy's giant Bajarang Gun, which threw him into Wano's land.
Based on the One Piece 1050 spoiler, Luffy is officially crowned the winner in the fight.
Meanwhile, Kaido and Big Mom can be confirmed dead because they drowned in the magma chamber beneath the Wano underground.
No less interesting than that, in One Piece 1050 Denjiro issued an announcement to the citizens of Wano that he had found a new shogun.
However, until now it is still unknown who the new shogun of Wano announced by Denjiro is.
Many fans speculate that the new shogun who will replace Orochi in Wano is Luffy.
This is considered reasonable because Luffy has been willing to sacrifice to free Wano from Kaido's colonization which has happened since 20 years ago.
Not only that, Luffy is also considered a wise and responsible figure while being the captain of the Straw Hat pirates.
However, it seems very unlikely for Luffy to become the new shogun in Wano.
The reason is, Luffy still aspires to sail for One Piece treasure to Laugh Tale and become the pirate king.
If he decides to become the new shogun, then his dream of becoming a pirate king will automatically end.
Therefore, there are two strongest candidates who can become Wano's new shogun, namely Momonosuke and Hiyori who are both sons of Kozuki Oden.

Momonosuke is known to be the rightful heir to the throne of the Wano shogunate who also fought in the great battle at Onigashima.
Meanwhile, Hiyori is Momonosuke's younger brother who is second in line to the rightful heir to the Wano shogunate throne.
Momonosuke is known to have the ability to transform into a dragon figure which he can use to protect Wano.
Meanwhile, Hiyori inherited her mother's beauty and her father's courage which made her the only female shogun in Wano.
This will certainly be good news for all Wano residents in One Piece 1050.
The reason is, this makes the Kozuki clan finally return to holding the legitimate Shogunate throne in Wano.
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