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One Piece Chapter 1049 Spoiler: Flashback of Kaido, Orochi's Invasion and Wano's Future Determination


 One Piece Chapter 1049 apparently will be the culmination of the battle between Luffy and Kaido.

Fans are certainly looking forward to the end of the Wano Arc and what will happen in the future, spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1049 can be seen in this article.

One Piece Chapter 1049 shows the 20-year struggle of Momonosuke trying to preserve and protect the floating island of Onigashima from destruction.

In addition, it looks like Kaido and Luffy's fight continues, Kaido turns into his Flaming Drum Dragon.

This Yonko dragon form is enveloped in flames that will burn anything it touches.

After attempting to decapitate Kaido, Luffy felt heat and agony. Even so, Luffy was unfazed, as he already understood how to take advantage of Ryuo.

Usopp is seen begging Kinemon and Kino to save his life at Skull Dome, they also support Luffy to defeat Kaido.

The horror seems to be continuing in One Piece Chapter 1049, according to Raizo. A flashback of Kaido and Orochi's invasion will be shown.

They were ambushed after pleading with the pirates to end their pursuit of Kozuki.

For refusing to obey Kaido, the four daimyo from their land were sentenced to prison.

At this time, Orochi was engulfed in flames and almost attacked Hiyori. However, Denjiro arrives and kills Orochi, leaving him unable to attack Hiyori.

The people of Wano Country are shown beaming as they let go of the lanterns in hopes that Kaido can be defeated.

Meanwhile, Luffy becomes more serious as the fight against Kaido continues to escalate.

Reporting from Anime Manga News, an all-out battle between Luffy and Kaido is expected in the upcoming chapter.

Kaido has also shown a new metamorphosis that makes things a lot more difficult for his opponent. This level of Haki allows Luffy to attack and hit enemies without actually touching them.

Additionally, One Piece Chapter 1049 may have other flashbacks or other scenes and events in the Dome of the Skull.

Meanwhile, we are all aware that the surviving members of the scabbards are in appalling conditions and require medical treatment.

What surprises will Oda give in Chapter 1049?

It is known that One Piece Chapter 1049 will be released on Sunday, May 15, 2022.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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