One Piece 1052 Spoiler: The Whereabouts of Uranus' Ancient Weapon Revealed!
Finally, some clues from One Piece 1052 have been given by a Korean leaker, who usually has a theory that is close to the original story.
In One Piece 1052's instructions, there is an Earth emoji as well as the number seven, which is enough to make the reader curious.
What do you think refers to the clues from the picture of the Earth and also the number seven?
Regarding this, it is possible that the upcoming One Piece 1052 will reveal information about the last ancient weapon, Uranus.
So far, the ancient weapon of Uranus is still very mysterious, there is not the slightest information related to it.
Because of that, quite a lot of One Piece fans have made speculations about Uranus.
One of them mentions that this ancient weapon is on Elbaf Island.
Furthermore, the image of the earth as well as the number seven may be a reference to the solar system, where Uranus is in the 7th position.
Why are there belief clues leading to this?
Because it relates to Nico Robin's second clue.
Therefore, it is suspected that Uranus will eventually appear, or information about it will be revealed.
Then the second clue from the archaeologist, Nico Robin, which may have something to do with the first clue.
It is suspected that later Nico Robin will know the location of Uranus, or get a little information about this ancient weapon.
Readers certainly still remember the poneglyphs in the Wano underground found by Law.
It is alleged that Robin in the next chapter will read it and reveal the existence of the ancient weapon.
The poneglyph that Law found wasn't red, so it wasn't a Road Poneglyph, it was blue.
Because it probably has something to do with Fish-Man Island, where a poneglyph is missing there.
So what exactly is the content of the poneglyph?
Allegedly this contains the history of the world, or in other words the Rio Poneglyph.
Throughout the story, four Rio Poneglyphs have been shown and contain important information about world history.
The first in Shandora reveals the location of Poseidon, the second in Alabasta reveals the location of Pluton.
Next is Ohara which contains the original name of the Ancient Kingdom, then Fish-Man Island contains Joy Boy's apology to Poseidon.
All of them were found in locations that can be said to be very important, referring to the location of one of them could be in Wano, which reveals the location of Uranus.
In addition, Rio Poneglyph also seems to always include one part of the context of world history, and tells one of the things related to the Void Century.
Just as Alabasta told the location of Pluton, Shandora told the location of Poseidon, so the one that told the location of Uranus was the Rio Poneglyph in Wano that Law found.
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