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One Piece Chapter 1054: Three Weapons Used by Luffy in the Final Saga to Defeat the World Government

One Piece chapter 1054 will present a terrible battle in the final saga later.

The confirmation was announced by Eiichiro Oda, who is currently preparing the final storyline of the saga.

Although Eiichiro Oda did not reveal what kind of war in One Piece chapter 1054, fans think that in the final saga, there will be a big war between the world governments or the World Government.

Later the big war in the final of the One Piece saga, will involve three ancient weapons. The three ancient weapons in question are Poseidon, Pluton, and Uranus.

Ancient weapons are one of the mysteries that will be revealed by Eiichiro Oda in the final saga later.

However, the One Piece manga which will enter chapter 1054, only Poseidon's ancient weapon is known for its existence and shape and strength.

The pluton's ancient weapon has only been revealed about its existence in the land of Wano.

While the shape of the pluton weapon is a warship.

The ancient weapon of Uranus has not yet been revealed, but some One Piece fans speculate that the weapon is in Mariejoa.

Some One Piece fans think that Uranus' ancient weapon is a giant straw hat kept by the World Government.

The giant straw hat was shown in One Piece manga chapter 906.

These three weapons will be used by Luffy to defeat the World Government in the final of the One Piece saga

Of the three ancient weapons that exist, all of them have a relationship with Luffy.

Poseidon's ancient weapon is a mermaid named Shirahoshi she has a friendly relationship with Luffy even they both made a promise.

As for the ancient weapons of pluton which are considered to be in the form of warships, Luffy will also use them later.

The person who has the ability to activate the weapon is Franky, he is the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates.

One Piece fans assume that because Franky is one of the people who have read the blueprints of Pluton.

The ancient weapon of Uranus has not been revealed until now its existence, form and even strength.

However, some One Piece fans assume that Uranus is currently being kept by the world government.

Where Uranus' ancient weapon is a giant straw hat shown in One Piece manga chapter 906.

The giant straw hat has a relationship with Joy Boy, and Luffy is a character who is considered to be the figure of Joy Boy.

Then the person who can activate and use the ancient weapon of Uranus is Luffy.

With some explanation regarding Luffy's relationship with the three ancient weapons, then he will use the three ancient weapons in the great war in the final of the saga later.

Luffy will use three ancient weapons to defeat the world government.

It is possible that the final of the One Piece saga will begin after the Wano arc ends.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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