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One Piece 1056 Spoilers: Kid Afraid of Shanks Haki, Mihawk's Bounty Value Revealed

Hints regarding One Piece 1056 have appeared before the release of this new chapter.

In this One Piece 1056 hint, the first thing leaker Redon puts out is a meme of a man dancing.

Then the second hint of the next chapter appears in the form of a short GIF showing Mihawk clashing with Sir Crocodile.

Furthermore, instructions for One Piece 1056 are also given regarding Kid discussing Shanks' Haki.

From the first clue, it was predicted that the Straw Hat Pirates would return to sailing.

In addition, their voyage from Wano is expected to be accompanied by the addition of one crew, namely Yamato.

Another prediction is that the bounty value of each of them will finally be revealed, maybe Yamato will have it too.

Next is the second clue regarding Mihawk which seems very clear.

Yes, there is a high possibility that Mihawk will finally appear in the next chapter.

It is suspected that he managed to defeat the Marines assigned to capture him after his Shichibukai title was abolished.

Another possibility is that the bounty value of these former Shichibukai is finally known by the reader.

Meanwhile, there is another explanation for the third clue regarding Eustass Kid which discusses Shanks' Haki.

In this short spoiler hint, it is said that Kid is discussing Akagami's Haki.

After discussing Shanks' Haki, Kid left the party which was still being held in the capital.

In addition, according to this spoiler hint, if Kid is scared, is he afraid of Shanks' Haki?

As readers know, Kid had previously challenged yonkou Shanks and how the fight was not yet known.

It seems that something interesting happened when Kid's fight against the Akagami Pirates made him feel scared.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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