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One Piece 1063 Spoiler: Besides Poneglyphs, Blackbeard Seizes Law's Devil Fruit?

One Piece 1063 Spoiler: Besides Poneglyphs, Blackbeard Seizes Law's Devil Fruit?

Leaked information about chapter 1063 for the One Piece manga series has started circulating on social media since yesterday.

And according to this information, surprising facts were revealed, especially regarding the status of Blackbeard and Law.

From what is known, Blackbeard appears to be trying to steal Trafalgar Law's copy of the Road Poneglyph.

Even so, many of the fans themselves speculate that it is very likely that Blackbeard didn't just steal a copy of the Road Poneglyph.

But there was a much bigger plan that he had prepared beforehand.

Then, what about the big plan?

And what is Blackbeard's next move after the attack on Law.

Blackbeard's Big Move

One Piece 1063 Spoiler: Besides Poneglyphs, Blackbeard Seizes Law's Devil Fruit?

For now, chapter 1063 only shows the beginning of the fight between Law and Blackbeard.

However, the fans themselves already believe what will be the next step after this.

The most widely developed among fans is how Blackbeard plans to steal something else from Trafalgar Law, namely his Ope Ope no Mi devil fruit.

In his speculation it was explained that Blackbeard might do something that shook the world.

In this case, Blackbeard is likely to carry out Operation Immortality after he manages to steal Law's Ope Ope no Mi.

Why did he do that?

This is because Donquixote Doflamingo once said about the great secret or treasure of Mary Geoise, which is related to immortality.

In his fight against Law in the Dressrosa arc, Doflamingo once explained that one would be able to control the treasures in Mary Geoise when they became immortal.

And to be able to turn into an immortal figure, it takes a very strong power.

This power comes from or is in the Ope Ope no Mi devil fruit.

Because of this, it makes sense that Blackbeard then tried to steal Law's Ope Ope no Mi devil fruit.

In addition to making him stronger with the third devil fruit,

Blackbeard will also be able to rule the world by using the great treasure in Mary Geoise.

For now, we still don't know what the great treasure is.

It could be, what Im showed in chapter 1060 when destroying Lulusia's kingdom is the treasure that Dofy once said.

How then Im able to control it could be because he is an immortal figure.

And Blackbeard wanted that too.

Stealing the Ope Ope no Mi then became the way to make that happen.


One Piece 1063 Spoiler: Besides Poneglyphs, Blackbeard Seizes Law's Devil Fruit?

Based on the explanation above, it is possible that there is a big plan that Blackbeard has prepared.

First, he would collect all the existing Road Poneglyphs.

He did so by stealing copies that belonged to other pirates.

Right now, he was aiming for Trafalgar Law's copy.

Next, Blackbeard will steal the power of Law's devil fruit, the Ope Ope no Mi.

This has to do with controlling treasure in Mary Geoise as well as world domination.

With the current situation, Blackbeard has a great chance of realizing his two plans.

But, of course, it is not impossible if Oda will present an extraordinary plot twist at the end of the story.

Blackbeard is a villain who is full of calculation and strategy.

Every step of course he has calculated, including the various risks.

How he then attacked Law must have been included in his calculations to realize his biggest dream.

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