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One Piece 1064 Reddit Spoiler: Blackbeard kidnapped Pudding and stole her third eye!

One Piece 1064 Reddit Spoiler: Blackbeard kidnapped Pudding and stole her third eye!

An interesting fact in One Piece 1064, namely Charlotte Pudding, who was on the Blackbeard ship,

Sanji Vinsmoke's lover, Pudding, was kidnapped by Blackbeard because his third eye would be used.

Could it be that Blackbeard now has a Poneglyph reader like Nico Robin in the Straw Hat Pirates?

Check out the spoiler information for One Piece 1064 here.

Some One Piece 1064 spoilers have been released since Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

Among them, One Piece connoisseurs will get a Law vs. Blackbeard battle.

Some of Law's attacks can be broken by Blackbeard.

Then, it appears in Blackbeard's ship, the stolen Pudding.

As is known, Charlotte Pudding is the son of Big Mom, one of the Yonko.

It seemed that Blackbeard was craving Charlotte Pudding's third eye.

In some information, it is said that Pudding's third eye can be used to read Poneglyphs.

Here's the One Piece 1064 spoiler brief that leakers have revealed:

One Piece: EggHead Island Chapter 1064

This title is held by Kuzan and Van Augur of the Blackbeard Pirates.

They are both on board the Blackbeard pirates' ship.

One Piece 1064 Reddit Spoiler: Blackbeard kidnapped Pudding and stole her third eye!

The things that will happen in One Piece chapter 1064 are as follows:

-Law vs. Blackberard

-Law used the "amputate" counter and Blackbeard managed to parry it. As they fought, Pudding was seen on Blackbeard's ship. His 3 eyes are awake.

-Pudding confirmed that Big Mom is dead.

-Blackbeard and Law's crew are fighting.

One Piece 1064: Blackbeard Breaks the Law; Road Poneglyph Copies Are Stolen

-Akainu heard about the battle that took place between Law and Blackbeard.

Bonney said Kuma was sentenced to life in prison. He also says Kuma is a special package.

-Zoro and Brook stay on the ship; the rest of the crew gets new clothes (from Vegapunk).

-At the end of the chapter, Shaka talks to Dragon.

-Shaka said Vegapunk might die soon.

-And next week will be off.

So that's the spoilers for One Piece 1064 so far.

Yopparai Weeb Expert

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